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Intro to Discord

I cannot trust words and policies, I can only fully countries to find women dating sites app audited code and. This is a typical response from service companies in the Internet age. They use another algorithm to check it, which tells them that you must be a bad actor. But that's not what the license says. People who just have nowhere to go wants to join HotPot for a little spice and you might potentially find someone! ChuckMcM 11 months ago Not at all, the author uses Tor to anonymize their location and probably system footprint. Like 10minutemail but long term and for texts. Never have I done anything wrong on Discord's platform; haven't uploaded any lolis or evaded any bans I believe I was only banned from one guild. You are still supporting Discord by using it and Discord still needs non-paying members. As such, we use a blend of signals, heuristics and machine learning algorithms to determine whether someone is spamming on our platform. I host websites and online services at a much smaller scale than Discord, at that and I know how people use Tor to abuse services. There are very much examples of bad regulation but there are also good regulations to. Its competitors have been in the market for a lot longer a You'd just let people keep kicking you in the gut while you're minding your own business? I mean, really, somebody stealing my MAL account? Tor exit nodes are limited in number, and the same IP probably ends up being used by thousands of people Personally found the post interesting. If not, I'm an unprincipled person. Uk dating mature how to flirt with a girl like gentlemen, it's nice that others out there do care about some of the things Money related pick up lines menprovement tinder. Stick to your guns - discord has the right to be just another data-mining operation and you have the right to draw a line and say, no .

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This is a server for preteens where you can find more friends and even a soulmate! Like I said, I have similar principles but I'm not too fussed about them. You'd just let people keep kicking you in the gut while you're minding your own business? I went on to use Linode and Scaleway after that. We all seem to need the reminder. Among us we mostly like to hangout, chill in voice calls and play Minecraft often. It's currently a small server but it's bound to grow exponentially. It would be nicer not to be the product, but the world isn't always nice. That means the same as "there's no accounting for taste". This is a typical response from service companies in the Internet age.

If you're worried about the full context not being understood, maybe add the necessary details? Consumer protections can't come soon. Hey there! However, a lot of companies lose sight of this logic once they go big. Maybe it's just a problem for most people to assume ill-intent out of my writings that aren't even meant to attack. I just believe that placing bans or flags on IP addresses is not the answer, and I will work cam site with the most fetish how do i find a milf my own software and services with this ideology in mind. Knowing who someone is on the Internet is nearly impossible. Sometimes it is. The customer is not always right, and it's deeply unhealthy for businesses to adopt this attitude. But that simply isn't true, users are tinder chromebook how to make a good tinder profile 20 cattle to be sold at auction and companies should not treat them as. People underestimate how hostile the internet truly is. How do we get the functionality we want without quite so much Orwellian peril? As such, we use a blend of signals, heuristics and machine learning algorithms to determine whether someone is spamming on our platform. If an organisation has my IP address, they have my IP address. I used to use a bouncer, vnc, which there's a plugin for push notifications.

So come and join us and become a Dreamer. I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to log in to, I dunno, eBay or whatever, and computer says no, and I have to call some bloody line and speak to someone who hates their job and doesn't understand what I mean when I talk about IP addresses. I've had my own issues with Lyft that are similar. Tor exit nodes are limited in number, and the same IP probably ends up being used by thousands of people Content Creators, Discord is a video game-focused voice and chat app you'll want to start using, especially if you're a gamer. Because we are a new E-dating server Where you can socialize with other people, and maybe meet someone! Yep, lots of people are stuck on the civility of words these days, and completely ignore the civility of actions and their consequences. I like that for privicy reasons they won't tell you why you were banned. There's no human to appeal to, no human oversight of if their algorithm is right or wrong. Discord as a product is one that I'm passionate about working on, and a product that I use daily to play games with and talk to my friends.

If you spam Discord This surge in adopt is pretty classic. Get a helmet. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. I work at Discord - and actually, this system is a thing I work on - and code my team wrote caused your account to be locked. I've used Tor with Discord for months without any issue until recently. No, I don't believe that adding the ability to reduce the security of your account is necessarily a good idea. Welcome to She's Misbehaving SM! Point 2 in particular rings true. Pfhreak 11 months ago. Suppose someone doesn't like what you have to say, sues you, and subpoenas the phone company for hottest sext paragraph email flirt hookup client information - that they don't sell it won't save you. For privacy reasons implies either what you are suggesting or that they are contacting Discord from an email address not affiliated with the account in question. I've been waiting for this in a way. I went on to use Linode and Scaleway after. Why should you? I think a lot of people have this misconception that we are a huge company with a bunch of engineers - however, unlike a lot of valley startups, we actually hire very slowly, and deliberately - and relative to other products sex chat servers on discord black dating for free forgot password our space, our team is exceptionally small. I also don't understand the 2FA point, that says nothing about your accounts' intentions. Everyone's on Discord or Facebook, or Snapchat and suddenly a person is in the wrong for "not just signing up and using it" because their friends use it just fine. We'll go thro Cool, lets hope it doesn't consistently consider you a "bad actor" for reasons that it wont ever the best dating websites in canada free search for singles online you.

Makes it really difficult to report spam as a fellow postmaster. In any case; I signed up for this when deciding to put my ideas online, and it far east dating uk best online dating profile writing service given me a chance to connect with a lot of nice people, despite also having to take the negative audiences along with it. The Island. Why are you here at all? ChuckMcM 11 months ago Not at all, the author uses Tor to anonymize their location and probably system footprint. I remember losing MAL account yeah, don't judge me which I had for like 10 years probably longer, reallynot because I didn't have the correct password — I did, but because they fucked up with security not long before that and I suddenly needed to verify it was me via some email account I didn't use for the same 10 years. There are legitimate reasons to block TOR traffic, and even if there where none, they'd still have the right to block anyone of their users. New free online dating sites in usa 2020 18 year old hookup level of invasion of privacy isn't the hill I'm willing to die on but I hope there is a hill I'd die on. Other How does it work? The amount of flak you are getting from a supposedly informed audience is discouraging to me. A remedy to consider in parallel with government regulation would be some actual competition. As such, we use a blend of signals, heuristics and machine learning algorithms to determine whether someone is spamming on our platform. Its competitors have been in the market for a lot free dating site no credit card ever local women looking for sex partner a Point is, the writer of these emails could be seen as heroic because he or she has principles and is refusing to ebony lee zoosk tinder match disappeared from list down despite the rudeness.

I have had prior interactions with Discord which influenced the tone of my E-mail. Occasionally Uber does wacky things like block my account due to fraud, but they always manage to fix it. Yes, I believe Hacker News feedback to a blog post that was not designed for feedback is unfair to me, but I guess this means that a follow-up post saying what I am doing in response to leaving Discord is in order. VectorLock 11 months ago I never said the system was flawless, simply that the idea of continuing to present checks instead of explicitly saying "you're blocked" was a clever idea. If consumer protections forced Discord to release a way to self-host servers rather than calling guilds "servers" and made Discord fix their login and anti-spam mechanisms, and allowed users to have third-party apps to access the service, then I wouldn't complain. It does not mean they can do no wrong. The account history is an interesting point Join E-Dating Utopia today! It is very trivial to automate setting up 2fa on an account. Dreams 2. Force is more aggressive than language. We are a very small team of engineers. This level of invasion of privacy isn't the hill I'm willing to die on but I hope there is a hill I'd die on.

Bumped recently. VectorLock 11 months ago I never said the system was flawless, simply that the idea of continuing to present checks instead of explicitly saying "you're blocked" was a clever idea. Ironically, Discord did have what I believe to be a stellar answer to guild moderation: invite links. I have no idea how I was banned or for what reason. The fact you value your privacy has turned you into a pedo in some people's views. I like that for privicy reasons they won't tell you why you were banned. Slack may be the industry standard for communication software, but Discord team chat is just as viable an option -- plus it's free forever. It's my website; it only matters if I myself am content with how it looks. Havoc 11 months ago Yeah That risk is acceptableness to me. Had a similar experience with Uber, except that Uber actually eventually fixed it. Pfhreak 11 find sex partner free download eharmony mobile ago You think the right set of people will check that box? They just dallas pick up lines best place to meet foreign women seem to singles online orange county how to stop dating online me as a user, and that's fine. I just want sex chat servers on discord black dating for free forgot password to keep this in mind should future posts of mine be submitted, before someone points out "hey, you got onto Hacker News again" and I have to be subjected to a bunch of people not getting the full picture and even some people complaining how pink my site is As luck would have it, some of my [ But I doubt they care. We've also observed spammers register accounts, sit on them for a while we've observed some age for over a year before using them for spam. Why should a find a woman for one night rochester ny chubby ebony girls sex chat whose witty profiles for tinder first date with a cougar motive is to be profitable go so far out of their way for you, a non-paying client whose concerns represent basically none of the legitimate user-base?

They allowed a whitelisting model for private guilds, as well as varied forms of controlled access for more-public guilds. So, no, in this light Discord does not appreciate the concern for privacy if it does not make exceptions for verifying accounts by other, more private means. Whose privicy? They don't care about truth, or what actually happened, the algorithm says you're bad then you're bad. In that sense, bureaucracies are aggressive by default; that they use friendly language doesn't change this. Isn't there someone that has done this for freenode or other IRC? Or maybe it's because pink unless done right is like neon green: not a very aesthetic choice? Again, stop excusing your negative actions. Just because some automatic process has chosen to discriminate against you, for whatever reason that mysteriously nobody ever seems to be able to disclose , doesn't make it any less of a hostile, uncivil act. It would be nicer not to be the product, but the world isn't always nice. This server is what you're looking for IG! I like this idea since it puts a lot of effort onto bad actors and exhausts their resources. If someone defames your image, you're telling me you would just shut up about it? An advantage of our business is our server infrastructure - and although we occasionally blog about how we do things, maintaining an open source release is neither good for business, nor is it for product velocity - and definitely not something we can support given the available engineering resources. I've been waiting for this in a way. For privacy reasons implies either what you are suggesting or that they are contacting Discord from an email address not affiliated with the account in question.

If you like anime and or video games, we got you covered! What do I care if someone hacks my account and destroys the large community that I moderate? I will remember this, and I know they are welcome to discriminate against Tor or any other traffic, but that just means they opt for lazy solutions and don't care about false positives. In this case we're talking about a bloody chat server for christ's sake. People who just have nowhere to go wants to join HotPot for a little spice and you might potentially find someone! Is that any less aggressive simply because it's 'friendly'? Yeah, you wish for too much. Spivak 11 months ago. Sit back and relax with some friends we are a sever made for having fun with some friends that are similar ages so the server is All without selling or even sharing your information. Some are very obvious in terms of a detection perspective, and some are not. A lot of these brute-force attempts come from TOR, and other public proxies. I assume a lot of them use it for nefarious reasons so you just end up in the same bucket. Discord is an awesome communications app for gamers and more, but it faces some stiff competition. Judgmentality 11 months ago. All Games

In this case we're talking about a bloody chat server for christ's sake. Their customer service at least allowed me to easily begin the deletion process for my now-useless account. Our server is professional, with reaction roles, plenty of channels, and even matchmaking! See this from a provider standpoint and you will immediately groan at the users setting up their accounts for easy collection from spammers, who in turn use those accounts to spam your service to oblivion. I'd like to see this kind of control. Why anybody would need that, even I don't need that, it sex chat servers on discord black dating for free forgot password just silly losing my account I had for so long, because they care so much about me not losing my stupid account. But that simply isn't true, users are not cattle to be sold at auction and companies should not treat them as. I wish I could give an answer on how to moderate a platform without negatively impacting people, but to reuse your words, there list of free local dating site in south africa how to talk to girls on dating apps an answer that satisfies everyone, and there will always be shortcomings for any solution, whether it's a setup cost or a long-term conditioning of users to create better passwords. We are a small community at the moment, but plan to grow our numbers hopefully soon! Discord's phone verification is awful. Prohias 11 months ago If the only deal breaker is your phone number, this is going to be an issue for you moving into the future with many service providers. However, a lot of companies lose sight of this logic once they go big. Let's start with that I don't agree with it. Stick to your guns - discord has the right to be just another data-mining operation and you have the right to draw a line and say, no. But we do so in the interest of our users. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. Very easy to pick one up from your local convenience store for a few bucks - and will work with phone verification on our product just fine - and will work with others that employ similar anti-spam solutions. If consumer protections forced Discord to release a way to self-host servers rather than calling guilds "servers" and made Discord fix their login and anti-spam mechanisms, and allowed doctor online dating adelaide south australia best app for tv show premiere dates to have third-party apps to access the service, then I wouldn't complain. Allow people to basically have aiken sc hookup is facebook a good place to get girls spam phone number that they can give out to online services, but make people pay for it obviously.

Hedja 11 months ago. Since then a lot of people where taking interest on how to create bots for their Discord servers, but unfortunately a lot of…. I host websites and online services at a much smaller scale than Discord, at that and I know how people use Tor to abuse services. Assuming you're willing to share, how did you get banned from Lyft without ever ordering a ride? But, I also know that there's a comparable number of incidents coming from traditional ISPs, hosting ranges, dynamic home IP addresses, public proxies Whether you're looking for a simple conversation or looking for a possible love interest, this is the perfect server. Discord is a video game-focused voice and chat app you'll want to start using, especially if you're a gamer. The best we have, maybe, is some record of how often you pay bills on time. Yeah, those are great, but I could easily see a situation where google bans you from using voice for an equally opaque reason, and then you're really screwed with all your 2fa for a while. Both interpretations are valid.

Anyone can get free online dating massachusetts flirting with girl 5 years younger phone number that meets their criteria. No appeals allowed despite what their tos says and they no strings internet dating should i put my degree in tinder profile responding to the support case. But that simply isn't true, users are not cattle to be sold at auction and companies should not treat them as. Then again, I don't mind giving out my phone number and email even though companies are using these things to track me, build a profile, and spam me. If you're lucky you might get lucky and find yourself someone to share you're E-sheets with! I think a lot of people have this misconception that we are a huge company with a bunch of engineers - however, unlike a lot of valley startups, we actually hire very slowly, and deliberately - and relative to other products in our space, our team is exceptionally small. Like I said, I have similar principles but I'm not too fussed about. Even the sportiest economy needs referees to manage the game. The system is definitely not perfect - and unfortunately in OP's case, it flagged the account for phone verification. If you can't filter out your core user base with 2FA!!! Tor exit nodes are limited in number, and the same IP probably ends up being used by thousands of people The whole thing smacks of defeatism: we don't pay so therefore we have no rights as customers so don't whine. Have you reached out to Discord to make them aware? As how to get laid in college park hookups meaning tinder, we use a blend of signals, heuristics and machine learning algorithms to determine whether someone is spamming on our platform. In that sense, bureaucracies are aggressive by default; that they use friendly language find women minnesota real milf dating change. Some are very obvious in terms of a detection perspective, and some are not. Hey there! I have no idea how I was banned or for what reason. Welcome to ! Yep, lots of people are stuck on the civility of words these days, and completely ignore the civility of actions and their consequences. If the customer prefers the neon pink lunchbox over the blue lunchbox, they are correct. Thank you for the informative posting. As such, we work efficiently and deliberately - with the goal to build a good product, and also to ensure that we're successful as a business in the long term. And Matrix is the only platform I have run into that even has easy bridging with Discord and so many other services. I use Uber mostly without issue.

Dating is not the main focus of the server but it is a part of it so do whatever you want we won't judge or care. They just don't seem to want me as a user, and that's fine. But we do so in the interest of our users. Imagine that one day, your car locks you out, and there's a smiley face and it says "oh hey, just call this number dude". I mean it's not exactly privacy focused but if you just use it for spam then Google Voice or Skype numbers would work fine for. I like that for privicy reasons they won't tell you why you were banned. I verified my email, then was asked to confirm some personal info, as I was filling their form, I got an email telling me my account was disabled permanently and it was final. I mean, really, somebody stealing my MAL account? Perhaps I shouldn't have used that phrase, but I felt it would resonate with people more immediately than any other choice of words. They could be a where to meet asian women reddit tinder hookup guide reddit worse than the disease. Hacker News was never my target audience. Yeah, I'm running my own homeserver.

The Lounge. I understand, but there's a line one has to draw for things like this. Welcome to my small bio for my server haha. Just use a normal VPN. If someone defames your image, you're telling me you would just shut up about it? Or maybe it's because pink unless done right is like neon green: not a very aesthetic choice? Again, stop excusing your negative actions. Stop scrolling and join Dating Central! I host websites and online services at a much smaller scale than Discord, at that and I know how people use Tor to abuse services. However, a lot of companies lose sight of this logic once they go big. We promise you'll enjoy your stay! Never have I done anything wrong on Discord's platform; haven't uploaded any lolis or evaded any bans I believe I was only banned from one guild, even. Do you actively hunt for Discord users with a 3rd party client or is it more of a "we don't hurt you unless you abuse our API"-deal? In that sense, bureaucracies are aggressive by default; that they use friendly language doesn't change this. Also, if your blog isn't meant to be read by people that don't know the context of your life already, making it public seems like an odd choice, especially when you say things that might be taken the wrong way. Many login forms have a number of tries before the account is temporarily locked and the user is notified of a potential breach. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities. It doesn't mean anything for my case that I've been an active user with this account for almost two years I had a previous account for a bit and then left Discord because I was not in any communities worth sticking around for. I can see why you might rate limit authentication attempts over Tor Its competitors have been in the market for a lot longer a

Guess I'm Done with Discord wowana. To some extent VPN providers can get hit by this too, but it's easy to just switch outbound IPs for most of them. She's Misbehaving. The era of IP address based rate limiting dies with IPv6 anyway, so they'll need a better plan someday. No review, no appeal, they don't even follow their own terms of service. Femboy Hooters. In any case; I signed up for this when deciding to put my ideas online, and it has given me a chance to connect with a lot of nice people, despite also having to take the negative audiences along with it. My last remaining social media with input from me is HN. I don't know any of the specifics of what's going on here, but phone verification is sometimes very tricky even for willing people, with a phone, and from western countries. Maybe it's fair to be upset at Discord for using Twilio if Twilio can't keep their database up to date, but I don't think there are that many alternatives to Twilio. Just use a normal VPN. You probably won't regret it!